Today, I have presented Global Azure 2022. The topic is Azure Billings and Cost Management and Optimization. Talk Description This is an online-only meeting. In this session, we will explore Monitor cost in azure subscriptions; Budgets/Alerts; Cost Optimization; Monitoring resource group costs Meeting URL The Deck Demo Script
Global Azure: Azure Automation and Update Management (Virtual)
Today, I have presented Global Azure 2022. The topic is Azure Automation and Update Management Applications. Talk Description Azure Automation delivers cloud-based automation, operating system updates, and configuration service that supports consistent management across your Azure and non-Azure environments. It includes process automation, configuration management, update management, shared capabilities, and heterogeneous features. This session will […]
NASHUA: Azure Billings and Cost Optimization (Virtual)
Today, I have hosted and presented Nashua Cloud User Group. The topic is Azure Billings and Cost Management and Optimization. Talk Description This is an online-only meeting. In this session, we will explore Monitor cost in azure subscriptions; Budgets/Alerts; Cost Optimization; Monitoring resource group costs Meeting URL The Deck Demo Script
NASHUA: Azure DevOps (Virtual)
Today, I have hosted and presented Nashua Cloud User Group. The topic is Azure DevOps. Talk Description This is an online-only meeting. In this session, we will explore with a sample project to learn Azure Boards Pipelines Repos Test Plans Artifacts Marketplace extensions Meeting URL The Deck Demo Script
NASHUA: Azure Automation and Update Management (ONLINE)
Today, I hosted and presented Nashua Cloud User Group about Azure Automation and Update Management Applications. Talk Description Azure Automation delivers cloud-based automation, operating system updates, and configuration service that supports consistent management across your Azure and non-Azure environments. It includes process automation, configuration management, update management, shared capabilities, and heterogeneous features. This session will […]
GSCC2021: Debugging .NET Applications
Today, I presented Granite State Code Camp (#GSCC2021) about Debugging .NET Applications. Talk Description Debugging an issue in a production environment is challenging, in this talk, we dive into the following topics Synchronous Callstack Asynchronous Callstack Parallel and Tasks .NET profiling Creating and Analysing Dump Ngrok tunnel Debugging Client-side code Fiddler web deugger Azure Web […]
NASHUA: Azure Static Web Apps (ONLINE)
Today, I presented Nashua Cloud User Group online about Azure Static Web Apps. Talk Description Azure Static Web Apps allows you to develop modern full-stack web apps quickly and easily with a static front-end and dynamic back end powered by Serverless APIs. Azure Static Web Apps offers cost-effective pricing from hobby to production apps. This […]
BOSTON: Azure Front Door (ONLINE)
Today, I presented Boston Azure and North Boston Azure User Group online about Azure Front Door and Front Door Standard/Premium services. The session was very interactive, engaging with loads of questions from attendees. Talk Description Azure Front Door is a global, scalable entry-point that uses the Microsoft global edge network to create fast, secure, and […]
NASHUA: Debugging .NET Applications (ONLINE)
Today, I presented Nashua Cloud User Group online about Debugging .NET Applications. Talk Description Debugging an issue in a production environment is challenging, in this talk, we dive into the following topics Synchronous Callstack Asynchronous Callstack Parallel and Tasks .NET profiling Creating and Analysing Dump Ngrok tunnel Debugging Client-side code Fiddler web deugger Azure Web […]
NASHUA: Azure Private Link (ONLINE)
Today, I presented Nashua Cloud User Group online about Azure Private Link. Talk Description Azure Private Link provides private connectivity from a virtual network to Azure platform as a service (PaaS), customer-owned, or Microsoft partner services. This session includes a deep discussion and demo of the following items: Virtual Network Basics Azure Private Endpoint Azure […]